CTO of the Year award to AOL Time Warner's Bill Raduchel, and a panel discussion with James Gosling, Don Norman, and others
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First Evening
Bob Magnuson of InfoWorld kicked things off by awarding "CTO of the Year" to William Raduchel of AOL Time Warner. Bill then gave a little talk. This really helped set the tone for the conference. He has a very easy, matter of fact, friendly, and warm manner. He told of how he found out about the Time Warner acquisition after he started his job at AOL. Previously, he was at Sun, Xerox, and McGraw Hill, and even was on the admissions committee at Harvard which let in Steve Ballmer and Scott McNealy. I wish I had taken notes. He went over a list of advice he had to other CTOs, including how important it was to be honest. A CTO needs to be able to be trusted to give honest appraisals. InfoWorld has some info on their web site about him and the award.
CTO of the Year award to AOL Time Warner's William Raduchel
After the award, Bill joined the panel on "A Jump on the Future" with James Gosling of Sun, David Ditzel of Transmeta, Don Norman of UNext and Nielsen Norman (and remembered for the Everyday Things book I recommend at the bottom of my Book Recommendations page), and moderator Michael Vizard, editor in chief of InfoWorld. Again, no notes, but it was interesting... Here are some pictures. No boring look-alikes in suits...the room was filled with people with facial hair, ponytails, and casual clothes.
James Gosling and a panel with Michael Vizard, David Ditzel, Don Norman, and William Raduchel
More of the panel, Don Norman making a point