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Ballmer's Talk and Leaving
Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer was the last speaker. His speech was reported lots of places, such as on the InfoWorld web site, so I won't put it here until I have lots of free time to integrate my notes (they aren't done the same as the others -- I got permission from Steve before hand to cover it, so I audio recorded it and my notes are filled with references to the times on the minidisc -- InfoWorld also videotaped it).
Here are my pictures, ready for the notes:
Paul Grayson of Alibre did a demo:
Checking RIM messages during the talk -- the market moves on
I got a lift to the airport (my plane was 90 minutes after the talk, so I had to run) from Dan Gillmor:
Dan Gillmor waiting for his car at the parking garage
Getting ready to transfer the pictures from the camera to my laptop at the airport, next to my bags and pizza dinner
That's it!