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Dan Bricklin's Web Site: www.bricklin.com
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As you may guess from contents throughout this web site, I like taking pictures. I often take pictures at events I attend or on trips and visits. Here is a place I can share some of those pictures with others.
BloggerCon II 2004: Lots of pictures from Dave Winer's second conference for bloggers at Harvard.
BloggerCon 2003: Lots of pictures from Dave Winer's conference for bloggers at Harvard.
PC Forum 2003: Lots of pictures from Esther Dyson's conference in March 2003. There are pictures of just about all of the speakers, as well as many participants -- a total of about 110 pictures.
Demo 2002: Report from this conference with pictures of people and products.
Celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the IBM PC Announcement: Pictures from an event at the San Jose Tech Museum hosted by Bill Gates and Andy Grove.
Internet Summit 2001: Pictures and observations from The Industry Standard's conference attended by industry leaders and funders.
InfoWorld CTO Forum 2001: Lots of pictures of Chief Technology Officers from all sorts of businesses, along with reports of some of the sessions.
PC Forum 2001: My third yearly album of pictures from Esther Dyson's conference, this time in March 2001. Mainly pictures of people, no real report of what it was like. For that, see the previous years' albums.
Washington Award Ceremony: Pictures from when Bob Frankston and I received an award from the Western Society of Engineers that was first given in 1919 to Herbert Hoover and then later to Orville Wright, Henry Ford, and many others.
Fall Comdex 2000 Journal: Over 200 pictures and lots of narrative from my trip to Las Vegas to see Comdex.
Agenda 2001: My report from Bob Metcalfe's conference October 2000 (it's supposed to set the agenda for the next year...), with a detailed description of Steve Ballmer's talk (the Microsoft CEO).
Behind the Curtain: A day in the life of a weblogger. This is my contribution to this project from 17-18 September 2000.
World Leadership Forum 2000: The Foreign Policy Association's conference about globalization. This has more written report than pictures, though it has lots of pictures -- mainly of people on the podium.
PC Forum 2000: One year later at Esther Dyson's conference
Fall Comdex 1999: A journal of what I saw at this huge computer industry event, its 20th anniversary.
Digital Storytelling Festival: I attended this wonderful event and created a web site with 200 pictures, video, and more showing you what it was like and letting you know what I learned. (This album used to reside on one of the other web sites I maintained, but has moved to this one.)
LCS 35th: MIT Laboratory for Computer Science 35th Anniversary Celebration with over 150 pictures of computer pioneers, Bill Gates, Tim Berners-Lee, and more, April 1999
PC Forum 1999: Industry movers and shakers, of today and yesterday, at Esther Dyson's conference, March 1999
© Copyright 1999-2018 by Daniel Bricklin
All Rights Reserved.